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Helpful Court Of Appeals Decision in Dangerous Right to Carry Firearms Case Clears the Way for Rulings in Better Cases

July 11, 2013 – In 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms protects an individual right, and in 2010 the Court said it prohibits state and local government infringement of that right. Since then, multiple cases have been filed all over the country challenging the constitutionality of laws limiting...

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Guidance Issued on ACA Delayed Implementation

On July 9, the U.S. Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced transition relief from the Employer Shared Responsibility provisions for 2014. The... Go here to read the rest: Guidance Issued on ACA Delayed Implementation

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Police Protection

We are constantly (if falsely) assured by people who don’t know what “police protection” means that we can rely on it for our security. Police protection means two forms of  indirect protection: 1) patrol which hopes to randomly discourage crime; 2) apprehension after a crime has been committed by someone. POLICE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR YOUR DIRECT PROTECTION....

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Victory for Open Government

On July 8, 2013, the Supreme Court of California ruled in favor of open access to government data in Sierra Club v. Superior Court of Orange County. The issue before the court was whether the Public Records Act (PRA), which is the California equivalent of the federal Freedom of Information Act, required government agencies to provide Geographic Information Systems...

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Robert Heinleein on Gun Rights

This may all be rather well known, but it was new to me, so I share it on the chance that it is new to some of you as well. (Feel free to share and forward.) I have been reading a collection of Robert Heinlein’s letters, edited by his wife Virginia, called “Grumbles from the Grave” (Ballantine, 1989)....

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Two Interns File Class-Action Lawsuit Against NBCUniversal

On July 3, two unpaid interns filed a class-action lawsuit against NBCUniversal, alleging that they should have been classified as employees, not as “interns.”... View post: Two Interns File Class-Action Lawsuit Against NBCUniversal

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Peddle Pushing to Disaster

As part of the campaign to regulate the right to bear arms into near non-existence, California is now considering impeding you from buying any ammunition. In the never-ending tragi-comedy that is California gun control, state Senator Kevin De León has introduced SB 53, a bill to regulate all ammunition retailing. SB 53 requires every consumer to get permission...

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The Fires of Arizona

A reader says we need to consider the effect of our lifestyle on the planet. Visit link: The Fires of Arizona

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Homes Keep Rising in West Despite Growing Wildfire Threat

Just as many Easterners resist stepping back from their increasingly flooded coast, Westerners build where they want to build and balk at controls. Read the original: Homes Keep Rising in West Despite Growing Wildfire Threat

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Employer Mandate Under Health Care Reform Delayed

The White House announced yesterday that it was delaying implementation of the employer mandate of the Affordable Care Act until 2015. The U.S. Treasury... Read the original here: Employer Mandate Under Health Care Reform Delayed

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