Your Top Resolution: Trademark Your Logo

Forget about weight loss and spending more time with your family. Those resolutions tend to fall by the wayside. But here’s one that won’t — and shouldn’t: Trademarking your logo. If you haven’t already trademarked your logo, doing so should be your top New Years’ resolution. It’s absolutely necessary, and if you put your mind to it, you can do it yourself. Every business should trademark its logo because it provides the highest form of protection . A trademark will discourage counterfeit goods and services. Infringement will also be easier to prove should you end up in court. Sound good? Then here’s how you trademark your logo : 1. Conduct a trademark search. This ensures that your logo is truly unique and that it is not too similar to others. You can hire a professional search company or use the Trademark Electronic Search System at the USPTO. 2. Download the application. And instructions. Read the instructions. There are special categories of marks, and you’ll need to choose how yours will be represented on paper. You’ll also need to pick the proper basis for filing. The USPTO website has additional resources if you get lost. 3. Trademark everything. You’ll need to trademark you logo and business name if they’re the same. You may also need to trademark your website address. 4. Pay your fees and wait. Check your status every few months in case there are any snags. If the process sounds daunting, you can also hire an attorney to trademark your logo. Hey, it’s your resolution — you get to decide how much effort to expend. Related Resources: Registering for a Domain Name Trademark: What You Should Know (FindLaw) How to Protect your Business’ Trademark (FindLaw’s Free Enterprise) Does ‘Footzyrolls’ Infringe on ‘Tootsie Roll’? (FindLaw’s Free Enterprise)

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Your Top Resolution: Trademark Your Logo

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