Gov. signs SB 687 (Leno) – Criminal procedure: informants

CPDA is  just getting word that Governor Jerry Brown has signed SB 687 (Leno) – This is legislation sponsored by CPDA and co-sponsored by CACJ. A copy of the bill is attached and the bill analysis compiled by the Assembly Public Safety Committee is pasted in below for your reference. We should have a copy of the Governor’s signing message from his press room later tonight or in the morning. Thanks go to members of our CPDA Legislative Committee chaired by Sonoma County Public Defender John Abrahams, Deputy Public Defender Kimberly Wong, and others who worked behind the scenes and at the hearings on this bill this year to make this possible. Senator Leno and his staff were extremely supportive of this bill and went way above and beyond to keep this bill from being amended by the opposition. Also thanks to several chief defenders for writing support letters for this bill during the various hearings this year. ————————————————- BILL ANALYSIS SB 68 Continue reading: Gov. signs SB 687 (Leno) – Criminal procedure: informants

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Gov. signs SB 687 (Leno) – Criminal procedure: informants

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