Amicus Briefs Filed In Appeal of CRPA Foundation Court Victory Overturning AB 962

On October 10, 2012, several amicus briefs were filed in support of the CRPA Foundation and other plaintiffs in the state’s appeal of its loss in Parker v. California.Handled by the lawyers at Michel & Associates, P.C., the Parker case is the successful CRPA Foundation challenge to the controversial ammunition regulations enacted by Assembly Bill 962 (“AB 962”).

The central issue in Parker was whether the definition of “handgun ammunition,” as used in certain provisions of AB 962, was unconstitutionally vague. The lawsuit was prompted in part by the many concerns and questions raised by confused ammunition retailers, purchasers, and members of law enforcement about what ammunition was covered by the new laws.

Amicus parties included FFLGuard, Gun Owners of California (“GOC”), and the Law Enforcement Alliance of America (“LEAA”). The briefs present an important perspective on the impact of the vague laws on retailers, gun owners, and law enforcement, both in and out of California.

FFLGuard represents hundreds of federal firearms licensees across the country, and it is the only private sector, client-driven organization to submit an amicus brief to help ensure that the CRPA Foundation’s victory overturning AB 962 is not undone. FFLGuard is an innovative firearms compliance and legal defense program offered by lawyers, subject matter experts, and professionals who provide participating clients with cost-efficient access to firearms-specific legal specialists. The FFLGuard program delivers educational training and rapid response services with a focus on safeguarding the viability of each participating client’s FFL through proactive effort and the cooperative sharing of finances and intelligence. To learn more about FFLGuard, please visit or call (888) FFL-GRD1.

Founded by former Senator H.L. Richardson (ret.), GOC promotes gun rights for citizens of the state of California.

LEAA is the nation’s largest non-profit, non-partisan coalition of law enforcement professionals, crime victims, and concerned citizens united for justice. LEAA fights at every level of government for legislation that reduces violent crime while preserving the rights of honest citizens, particularly the right of self-defense.

If AB 962 had gone into effect, it would have imposed burdensome and ill-conceived restrictions on the sale of ammunition in and into California. In short, AB 962 required that “handgun ammunition” be stored out of the reach of customers, that ammunition vendors collect ammunition sales registration information and thumb prints from purchasers, and conduct only face-to-face transactions for all deliveries and transfers of “handgun ammunition.” Violation of the law would have been a crime.    

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