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Mapping out Climate Change Adaptation Plans on Kenya’s Airwaves

MAKUENI, Kenya, Jun 28 2012 (IPS) - On a Wednesday morning in Mutitu-Andei township in Makueni County, one of Kenya's driest areas, smallholder farmer Josephine Mutiso tunes into Radio Mang'elete 89.1 FM and listens as meteorological experts discuss the changes in rainfall patterns in the county. Visit link: Mapping out Climate Change Adaptation Plans on Kenya's Airwaves

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3 endangered Hawaiian bird species expanding their range

Three of Hawaii's rarest birds have been detected at lower elevations along the volcanic summits for the first time in 30 years, a sign the endangered species may be holding their own against introduced diseases and climate change, scientists say. Here is the original post: 3 endangered Hawaiian bird species expanding their range

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Africa’s forests lack expertise

One of the forest principles adopted by the on-going United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) is that forest management will be based on the best science, but this is a challenge for Africa, a continent ravaged by low number of scientists and under-resourced forestry training institutions. Visit link: Africa's forests lack expertise

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Trouble on the Horizon for GM Crops?

Pests are adapting to genetically modified crops in unexpected ways, researchers have discovered. Read more here: Trouble on the Horizon for GM Crops?

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Conservation areas failing to protect forests better than logging concessions in Sumatra

Areas zoned for conservation suffered deforestation rates similar to logging concessions in Sumatra between 1990 and 2000, but maintained forest cover more effectively than lands allocated for agricultural conversion, reports a study published in Conservation Letters. More here: Conservation areas failing to protect forests better than logging concessions in Sumatra

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British fishing crews welcome discard ban

The EU says it is committed to ending overfishing. DW visited a thriving fishing community in Cornwall where new regulations on fishing practices are being seen as a way to safeguard the future. Continue reading here: British fishing crews welcome discard ban

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New Delhi to Host the Second Intergovernmental Committee Meeting for Nagoya Protocol A Backgrounder on ICNP – 2

The Second Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (ICNP-2) is being held in New Delhi from 2-6 July, 2012. View original post here: New Delhi to Host the Second Intergovernmental Committee Meeting for Nagoya Protocol A Backgrounder on ICNP - 2

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West’s wildfires a preview of changed climate: scientists

(Reuters) - Scorching heat, high winds and bone-dry conditions are fueling catastrophic wildfires in the U.S. West that offer a preview of the kind of disasters that human-caused climate change could bring, a trio of scientists said on Thursday. Link: West's wildfires a preview of changed climate: scientists

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More Red Tape for California Hunters

More Red Tape for California Hunters Read the original post: More Red Tape for California Hunters

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Forgotten species: the overlooked Sumatran striped rabbit

When you read the words 'Sumatra' and 'Endangered Species' in the same sentence there is a 99 percent chance that you will be reading about one of four animals: orangutans, tigers, elephants, or rhinos. Originally posted here: Forgotten species: the overlooked Sumatran striped rabbit

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