Hanisee v. State of California

Case Name: Hanisee v. State of California 

Case No.: 23STCV07718

 Los Angeles Superior Court – Stanley Mosk
Filing Date Filing Party Document Description
04/29/2024 Defendant Answer to Plaintiff’s IDC Request
04/25/2024 Plaintiff Informal Discovery Conference
04/18/2024 Plaintiff Stipulation-Discovery Resolution
10/30/2023  Defendant Defendant’s Answer to FAC
10/19/2023 Defendant Notice of Ruling re Motion to Strike and Case Management Conference
10/11/2023 Court Minute Order Re MTS
10/11/2023 Court Order of Court’s Final Ruling re MTS
10/11/2023 Plaintiff Notice of Posting of Jury Fees
10/04/2023 Defendant Defendant’s Reply ISO MTS Allegations from Plf’s FAC
09/26/2023 Plaintiff Opposition to Def’s MTS

RJN ISO Opp to Mtn to Strike

09/26/2023 Plaintiff Case Management Statement
09/25/2023 Defendant Defendant’s CMC Statement
0719/2023 Court Notice of Continuance of Hearing
07/18/2023 Defendant Notice of Motion and MTS

Memo of P&A’s ISO MTS

Declaration of Laura Lively

Proposed Order Granting Motion to Strike

06/15/2023 Plaintiff Amended Complaint
05/08/2023 Plaintiff Proof of Personal Service on Atty General
04/07/2023 Plaintiff Summons


Civil Case Cover Sheet

Notice of Case Assignment – Unlimited Civil Case