Criminal Justice System Reference Materials


Criminal Courts System Information

Overview of the Criminal Justice Process

Sequence of Events in the Criminal Justice System

Restore your Gun Rights

Agency Publications

U.S. Department of Justice Memo: Principles of Federal Prosecution of Business Organizations

Civil Rights Advisories

Order Leosa Active Cards

Order Leosa Retired Cards

Order Gun Safe Stickers

Submit a Request to Receive Free Advisory Cards 

ACLU Travel Advisory – “Bust” Card 

For Further Assistance

If the above links and materials do not answer your question concerning criminal defense practices, and you have not already submitted your question to our office, you may email your question to our office, or click the “Request A Free Consultation” button located on the top left of this page.  Send us your name, telephone number, and your question with as  much detail as possible so that we may better assist you.  Our staff will contact you concerning your question, discuss where to locate the information you are looking for, and/or discuss options for retaining our services to assist you.

Remember, if you are the subject of a pending criminal investigation or charges, or if you have a pending civil legal matter or other criminal or civil dispute which requires immediate legal services, we are happy to provide prompt, free initial consultations with an attorney. Simply call (562) 216-4444 for an appointment.