Media Inquiries & Resources

Media Inquiries & Resources

Our lawyers and experts are often contacted by the media for information relating to newsworthy developments in our practice areas.

Our lawyers have contributed to and appeared on thousands of local, state, and national TV and print news outlets. We can provide comments for attribution, provide background, or refer you to appropriate experts in the field on any topic being covered.

Different attorneys at Michel & Associates have particular expertise in different fields. They can be contacted directly.

Primary Media Contact at Michel & Associates, P.C.

Irma L. Galeano
Business Number: (562) 216-4447
Business E-mail: [email protected]

Main Business Number: (562) 216-4444
Business E-mail: [email protected]

Commentators and Fields of Expertise

Business Number: (562) 216-4444
Business E-mail: [email protected]

Chuck Michel
Title: C.E.O., Senior Partner of Michel & Associates, P.C., Long Beach, CA
Phone Number: Office: (562) 216-4444 / Cell (310) 722-1324
Email[email protected]
Skype Business Contact: C. D. (Chuck) Michel / [email protected]   
Areas of Expertise: Media Responses, Litigation and Regulatory Compliance in the fields of firearms law, self-defense, civil rights, land use, environmental law, constitutional law, and politics. Mr. Michel is recognized as one of the leading national authorities on firearms law and helping to shape related legislation.

Joshua Robert Dale
Title:  Partner of Michel & Associates, P.C., Long Beach, CA
Phone Number: Office (562) 216-4448
Email[email protected]
Skype Business Contact: Joshua Robert Dale / [email protected]
Areas of Expertise: Employment litigation and policies, firearms law, civil rights appellate advocacy, corporate and non-profit governance and litigation, and conflicts of interest.

Lee Smith
Title:  Partner, Michel & Associates, P.C., Long Beach, CA
Phone Number: Office: (562) 216-4447
Email[email protected]
Skype Business Contact: W. Lee Smith / [email protected]
Areas of Expertise: Litigation and regulatory compliance in the fields of shooting ranges, environmental law, land use, and insurance law.

Anna M. Barvir
Title: Partner, Michel & Associates, P.C., Long Beach, CA
Phone Number: Office: (562) 216-4453
Email[email protected]
Skype Business Contact: Anna M. Barvir / [email protected]
Areas of Expertise: Second Amendment litigation, state and local gun laws, large-capacity magazine bans, mandatory locked storage laws, theft-reporting laws, student speech, preemption of local laws. Only open to interviews, radio, and NRA news outlets at this time.

Tiffany D. Cheuvront
Title: Managing Attorney, Michel & Associates, P.C., Long Beach, CA
Phone Number: Office: (562) 216-4450
Email[email protected]
Skype Business Contact: Tiffany Cheuvront / [email protected]
Areas of Expertise: Media Responses, Civil litigation, corporate governance and compliance, nonprofit law, municipal law, constitutional law, civil rights, compliance, corporate law.

Matthew D. Cubeiro
Title: Partner, Michel & Associates, P.C., Long Beach, CA
Phone Number: Office: (562) 216-4465
Email[email protected]
Skype Business Contact: Matthew D. Cubeiro / [email protected]
Area of Expertise: Firearm regulatory compliance and litigation, local ordinance issues, legislative analysis, civil rights advocacy, and general civil litigation.


Additional Media Resources


Firm Press Coverage