
For Further Assistance

If these links and reference materials do not answer your questions and you have not already submitted your question(s) to our office, you can email your question to our office or click the “Request A Free Consultation” button at the top of this page.  Please send us your name, telephone number, and question with as much detail as possible so we can better assist you.  Our staff will contact you concerning your inquiry, discuss where to locate the information you are looking for, and discuss options for retaining our services to answer your question or otherwise help you.

Remember, if you are the subject of a pending criminal investigation or charges, or if you have a pending civil legal matter or other criminal or civil dispute which requires immediate legal services, we are happy to provide prompt, free initial consultations with an attorney. Call (562) 216-4444 for an appointment.

As a service to existing and potential clients, Michel & Associates, P.C. makes a variety of resources, reference materials, and information available to clients and potential clients.


Request a Free Consultation

Michel & Associates Printable Firm Brochure

Submit a Client Satisfaction Survey

10 Ways to Keep Legal Bills Down


Our legal practice area reference materials provide helpful information and answers to frequently asked questions about the areas of law in which we focus our practice.

Civil Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution

Corporate & Nonprofit Resources

Criminal Justice Resources

Environmental/Land Use Resources

Firearms Law Resources

Hunting Regulations & Resources

Public Carry/CCW Resources

Restoring Your Gun Rights Resources

Second Amendment Law Resources

Shooting Range Law Resources


Media Inquiries & Resources