Case Name: California Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., et al. v. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, et al. 

Case No.: 2:23-cv-10169

United States District Court, Central District of California    
Filing Date Filing Party Document Description
3/7/2025 Defendant LVPD Notice of Withdrawal of Bruce Lindsay
3/4/2025 Defendant LVPD Notice of Withdrawal of Monica Arredondo
2/20/2025 Defendant LASD  Notice of Withdrawal of Todd Clayton
1/29/2025 Plaintiffs Notice of Appearance of Anna M. Barvir
1/25/2025 Court Order Entering Preliminary Injunction
1/14/2025 Court Docket Text: SCHEDULING NOTICE AND ORDER by Judge Sherilyn Peace Garnett. The MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFFS FIRST AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTAL COMPLAINT [60] set for hearing January 22, 2025, is taken off calendar. No appearance necessary. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (pg) TEXT ONLY ENTRY
1/9/2025 Court Docket Text: ORDER by Judge Sherilyn Peace Garnett: granting [78] Non-Resident Attorney Todd A Clayton APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of defendants Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, Robert Luna, designating Joshua Vittor as local counsel. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY (ak)
1/8/2025 Defendant LASD  Application for Pro Hac Vice Admission of Todd Clayton for LASD Defendants

Proposed Order

12/23/2024 Court Docket Text: SCHEDULING NOTICE and ORDER by Judge Sherilyn Peace Garnett. The Court, on its own motion, continues the hearing from January 15, 2025, to January 22, 2025, at 1:30 p.m. for Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs’ First Amended and Supplemental Complaint (ECF No. 60 (“Motion”)). However, the Court’s continuance of the hearing for this Motion neither extends nor modifies the briefing schedule for the parties to file any opposition and reply. Accordingly, under the Local Rules 7-9 and 7-10, any opposition to the Motion shall be due twenty-one (21) days before January 15, 2025, and any reply shall be due fourteen (14) days before January 15, 2025. IT IS SO ORDERED. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (rs) TEXT ONLY ENTRY
12/23/2024 Defendant LASD  Defendant LASD’s Reply to Opposition to Motion to Dismiss
12/17/2024 Defendant Rob Bonta Notice of Withdrawal of Christina R.B. Lopez
12/02/2024 Plaintiffs Plaintiffs’ Opposition to LASD Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss First Amended Complaint
11/22/2024 Court Docket Text: (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER by Judge Sherilyn Peace Garnett: The Court has reviewed the Joint Rule 26(f) Report submitted by the parties and determines that an in-person Scheduling Conference is unnecessary. Accordingly, the Court VACATES the November 27, 2024, Scheduling Conference. Trial Orders issued, see ECF Nos. 69,70, and 72. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (pg) TEXT ONLY ENTRY
11/21/2024 Court Docket Text: TEXT ONLY ENTRY: This matter has been referred to Magistrate Judge Autumn D. Spaeth for settlement conference proceedings [69]. For Judge Spaeth’s settlement conference procedures, the parties are referred to her procedures page of the Court’s website, THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (kh) TEXT ONLY ENTRY
11/20/2024 Court Standing Order for Motions for Summary Judgment
11/19/2024 Court Civil Pretrial Schedule and Trial Order

Schedule of Pretrial and Trial Dates

11/19/2024 Court Order/Referral to ADR
11/18/2024 All Parties Stipulation re Scheduling Conference on November 27, 2024

Proposed Order

11/13/2024 All Parties Joint Rule 26(f) Report

Parties’ Schedule of Pretrial and Trial Dates Worksheet

11/12/2024 Defendant Rob Bonta Notice of Appearance of Nicholas Green for Defendant Rob Bonta
11/12/2024 Defendant LASD  Notice of Withdrawal of Henry Nikogosyan for Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Defendants
11/12/2024 Defendant LASD  Notice of Appearance of Joshua Vittor for Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Defendants
10/29/2024 Court Order Granting Stipulation to Set Briefing for Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department’s Motion to Dismiss First Amended Complaint
10/29/2024 Court Order Setting Scheduling Conference
10/28/2024 All Parties Stipulation re Briefing Schedule for Defendant LASD’s Motion to Dismiss First Amended Complaint

Proposed Order

10/28/2024 Defendant LASD Defendant LASD’s Motion to Dismiss First Amended Complaint

Proposed Order

10/28/2024 Defendant Rob Bonta Defendant Rob Bonta’s Answer to First Amended Complaint
10/15/2024 Defendant LVPD La Verne PD Defendants’ Answer to First Amended Complaint
9/23/2024 Plaintiffs Proposed Order Entering Preliminary Injunction
9/13/2024 Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint
9/9/2024 Court Order Granting Leave to File First Amended Complaint
9/5/2024 All Parties Stipulation to File First Amended Complaint

Proposed Order

8/20/2024 Court Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Injunction
7/29/2024 Plaintiffs Notice of Supplemental Authority re Duarte en banc – Rahimi – & CCW Permit Status
5/24/2024 Plaintiffs Partial Opp to La Verne RJN
5/24/2024 Defendant LVPD Notice re Supp Dec of Lt. Chris Dransfeldt
5/24/2024 Defendant LVPD LVPD and Police Chief Colleen Flores’ Supp RJN ISO Opp to MPI

Supp Dec of Lt. Chris Dransfeldt ISO LVPD and Police Chief Coleen Flores’ Opp to MPI

Dec of Bruce Lindsay ISO LVPD and Police Chief Colleen Flores’ Opp to MPI

5/20/2024 Defendant LVPD La Verne and Chief Flores’ Notice of Joinder Re LASD and Luna’s Response to Plfs’ Notice of Supp Authority
5/17/2024 Defendant LASD LASD and Sheriff Robert Luna’s response to Plfs’ Notice of Supplemental Authority
5/10/2024 Plaintiffs Notice of Supp. Authority (Duarte and Honolulu)
5/02/2024 Defendant LVPD Colleen Flores and LVPD’s Opp to Plfs’ Supplemental RFJN
4/26/2024 Plaintiffs Supplemental RJN ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI
4/11/2024 Defendant Rob Bonta Rob Bonta’s Transcript Order Form
4/11/2024 Plaintiffs Plaintiffs’ Transcript Order Form
4/11/2024 Defendant LASD Transcript Order Form
4/10/2024 Court (TEXT ENTRY) MINUTES RE PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION [20] held before Judge Sherilyn Peace Garnett. Arguments by counsel are heard. The Court reserves taking the motion under submission pending further questions by the Court. Court Reporter: Miranda Algorri. Attorneys present for plaintiff. Joshua Dale. Konstadinos Moros. Attorneys present for defendant. Mark Selwyn. Ryan Chabot, Bruce Lindsay, Christina Lopez, and Jane Reilley.Courtroom Deputy: Patricia Gomez. Time in Court: 1.42. (pg)
3/20/2024 Defendant LASD LASD and Sheriff Robert Luna’s Resp to Plfs’ Evidentiary Objections to Survey of Historical License Requirements and MTS
3/05/2024 Defendant Rob Bonta Rob Bonta’s Objs to Rebuttal Dec of Clayton Cramer
3/05/2024 Defendant Rob Bonta Rob Bonta’s Combined Response to Plaintiffs’ Evidentiary Objs and MTS Expert Decs
3/04/2024 Court SCHEDULING NOTICE AND ORDER by Judge Sherilyn Peace Garnett. On the Courts own motion, PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUCTION filed at ECF No. [20] set for hearing March 13, 2024, is CONTINUED to April 10, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (pg) TEXT ONLY ENTRY
3/04/2024 Defendant LVPD LVPD and Police Chief Colleen Flores’ Obj to Evidence Submitted ISO MPI
2/28/2024 Plaintiffs Reply ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

Rebuttal Dec of Clayton Cramer ISO MPI

Supp RJN ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI Reply

Evid. Obj. to LASD’s RJN in Opp to MPI

Evid. Obj. to Rivas Decl.

Evid. Obj. to Spitzer Decl.

Evid. Obj. to Vorenberg Decl.

2/22/2024 Defendant LVPD LVPD and LVPD Chief of Police Colleen Flores’ Joinder in Rob Bonta’s Opposition to MPI
2/22/2024 Defendant LVPD LVPD and LVPD Chief of Police Colleen Flores’ Certification and Notice of Interested Parties
2/22/2024 Defendant LASD Notice of Appearance of Henry Nikogosyan for LASD and Sheriff Robert Luna
2/21/2024 Defendant LASD LASD and Sheriff Robert Luna’s Opp to MPI

Dec of Regina Chavez ISO LASD and Sheriff Robert Luna’s Opp to MPI

Dec of Ryan Chabot ISO LASD and Sheriff Robert Luna’s Opp to MPI

Exhibit 1 to Dec of Ryan Chabot

Exhibit 2 to Dec of Ryan Chabot

Exhibit 3 to Dec of Ryan Chabot

LASD and Sheriff Robert Luna’s RJN ISO Opp to MPI

LASD and Sheriff Robert Luna’s Survey of Historical Licnese Requirements

LASD and Sheriff Robert Luna’s Compendium of Historical Laws

Proposed Order

2/21/2024 Defendant LASD Notice of Appearance of Mark Selwa for LASD and Sheriff Robert Luna
2/21/2024 Defendant Robert Bonta  Rob Bonta’s Opp to Plfs’ MPI

Dec of Professor Robert Spitzer ISO Rob Bonta’s Opp to Plfs’ MPI

Dec of Professor Brennan Gardner Rivas ISO Rob Bonta’s Opp to Plfs’ MPI

Dec of Professor Michael Vorenberg ISO Rob Bonta’s Opp to Plfs’ MPI

2/21/2024 Defendant LVPD  LVPD and LVPD Chief of Police’s Obj to Evidence Submitted ISO MPI
2/21/2024 Defendant LVPD  LVPD and LVPD Chief of Police’s Notice & Opp to MPI

Dec of Chief of Police Colleen Flores ISO LVPD and LVPD Police Chief’s Opp to MPI

Dec of Acting Chief of Sam Gonzalez ISO LVPD and LVPD Chief of Police’s Opp to MPI

Dec of Lt. Chris Dransfeldt ISO LVPD and LVPD Chief of Police’s Opp to MPI

2/09/2024 Court Order Extending Page Limit of Reply Brief
2/06/2024 Plaintiffs Stipulation for Reply Brief

Proposed Order on Reply Page Limit Stip

1/26/2024 Plaintiffs Ntc of Plaintiffs’ MPI

Memo of Ps & As ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

RJN ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI


Dec of Richard Minnich ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

Dec of Brian Weimer ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

Dec of Charles Messel ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

Dec of Clarence Rigali ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

Dec of Cynthia Gabaldon ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

Dec of David Broady ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

Dec of Erick Velasquez ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

Dec of Jack Skadsem ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

Dec of Jim Carlson ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

Dec of Keith Reeves ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

Dec of Sherwin David Parowashraf ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

Dec of Stephen Hoover ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

Dec of Woodrow Stalter ISO Plaintiffs’ MPI

Proposed Order

1/26/2024 Court Notice to Filer of Deficiencies of E-filed Notice of Appearance
1/25/2024 Defendant Rob Bonta Notice of Appearance of Counsel Jane Reilley for Rob Bonta
12/26/2023 Court Order Extending Time to Respond to Complaint
12/21/2023 Defendant Rob Bonta Rob Bonta’s Stip to Extend Time to File Response to Complaint

Proposed Order re Rob Bonta’s Stip to Extend Time to File Response to Complaint

12/15/2023 Plaintiffs POS of Summons and Complaint served on Los Angeles Sheriff’s Dept
12/15/2023 Plaintiffs POS of Summons and Complaint served on Robert Luna, Los Angeles Sheriff’s Dept
12/15/2023 Plaintiffs POS of Summons and Complaint served on La Verne Police Dept
12/15/2023 Plaintiffs POS of Summons and Complaint served on Colleen Flores, Chief of Police
12/15/2023 Plaintiffs POS of Summons and Complaint served on Robert Bonta
12/6/2023 Court Order to transfer case declined
12/5/2023 Court Summons (issued)
12/5/2023 Court Notice to Counsel Re Consent to Proceed Before a US Magistrate Judge
12/5/2023 Court Notice to Parties of Court Directed ADR Program
12/5/2023 Court Notice of Assignment
12/04/23  Plaintiffs Complaint

Civil Cover Sheet

Summons request

Certification and Notice of Interested Parties

Corporate Disclosure Statement